Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Generating Random Algorithm Number

In this section we consider the problem of generating a sequence of random numbers  on a computer. Specifically, we desire an infinite sequence of statistically independent random numbers uniformly distributed between zero and one. In practice, because the sequence is generated algorithmically using finite-precision arithmetic, it is neither infinite nor truly random. Instead, we say that an algorithm is ``good enough'' if the sequence it generates satisfies almost any statistical test of randomness. Such a sequence is said to be pseudorandom .
The most common algorithms for generating pseudorandom numbers are based on the linear congruential   random number generator invented by Lehmer. Given a positive integer m called the modulus  and an initial seed  value tex2html_wrap_inline69291 ( tex2html_wrap_inline69293), Lehmer's algorithm computes a sequence of integers between 0 and m-1. The elements of the sequence are given by
where a and c are carefully chosen integers such that tex2html_wrap_inline69301 and tex2html_wrap_inline69303.
For example, the parameters a=13, c=1, m=16 and tex2html_wrap_inline69311 produce the sequence
The first m elements of this sequence are distinct and appear to have been drawn at random from the set tex2html_wrap_inline69315. However since tex2html_wrap_inline69317 the sequence is cyclic with period  m.
Notice that the elements of the sequence alternate between odd and even integers. This follows directly from Equation gif and the fact that m=16 is a multiple of 2. Similar patterns arise when we consider the elements as binary numbers:
The least significant two bits are cyclic with period four and the least significant three bits are cycle with period eight! (These patterns arise because m=16 is also a multiple of 4 and 8). The existence of such patterns make the sequence less random. This suggests that the best choice for the modulus m is a prime number.
Not all parameter values result in a period of m. For example, changing the multiplier a to 11 produces the sequence
the period of which is only m/2. In general because each subsequent element of the sequence is determined solely from its predecessor and because there are m possible values, the longest possible period is m. Such a generator is called a full period generator.
In practice the increment  c is often set to zero. In this case, Equation gif becomes
This is called a multiplicative linear congruential   random number generator. (For tex2html_wrap_inline69341 it is called a mixed linear congruential   generator).
In order to prevent the sequence generated by Equation gif from collapsing to zero, the modulus m must be prime and tex2html_wrap_inline69291 cannot be zero. For example, the parameters a=6, m=13 and tex2html_wrap_inline69351 produce the sequence
Notice that the first 12 elements of the sequence are distinct. Since a multiplicative congruential generator can never produce a zero, the maximum possible period is m-1. Therefore, this is a full period generator.
As the final step of the process, the elements of the sequence are normalized  by division by the modulus:
In so doing, we obtain a sequence of random numbers that fall between zero and one. Specifically, a mixed congruential generator ( tex2html_wrap_inline69341) produces numbers in the interval [0,1), whereas a multiplicative congruential generator (c=0) produces numbers in the interval (0,1).

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